Sunday, September 25, 2011

Project 9a

My Personal Timeline

Blog Post #5

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
By: Scott McLeod.

Dr. McLeod put together an interesting blog post. He starts off telling us not to teach our kids common technological concepts. He says that cell phones are evil and are not good for anything. However, at the end he states that he will do all of these with his kids. Ah....okay extreme sarcasm! He also states in his post that we will see who has the upper leg in a couple of decades. He is completely right though, We should not hold our kids back from technology. They should embrace it.

He really goes to the max on his sarcasm. He looks at the negatives of everything and goes off of that. I thought that he made some good points. It took me a minute to think about what he was really trying to say.

The iSchool Initiative
school initiative logo

By: Travis Allen

Travis Allen started this idea of the iSchool Initiative when he was a senior in high school. He says that this is the answer to our public education problems. He states that his initiative answers the question does technology belong in the classroom? He goes on to tell us that our iPod can be the only tool we will need for learning. For it already has so many different useful applications we can use now such as email, chemical touch, U.S. constitution, and a lot more. Paper, text books, and pencils will not be needed anymore. This initiative will save so much money and will even be helping the environment.

I thought that his idea was very realistic. I love the idea of saving money and our planet at the same time. I feel like this initiative could really work effectively. It seems that things are heading in that direction anyway though.

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Chior

This was amazing! It was, at first, hard to believe. This choir I am sure took so much time, effort, and hard work. I really do appreciate it for what it's worth. The thing about this that really blows my mind is the fact that none of these choir members have ever met one another. They formed this beautiful virtual choir over the internet. Technology really can be so neat and so useful for things like this.

When I think and learn of all the interesting things one can do with technology it makes me want to learn more. If I think this is cool I can only imagine what others things there are out there. This video and class has really been opening my mind to the many varieties and usefulness of technology. I really am enjoying it.

Teaching in The 21st Century.
By: Kevin Roberts

After watching this video it became very clear to me that all things and all information about anything can easily be accessed on the internet. Even though I already knew this it kind of was an eye opener. When Roberts stated in his video that Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge I just thought wow to myself. This may be true but teachers will be used as the filter Roberts tell us. Teachers will teach the students how to navigate and correctly use technology.

Teachers have to change the way they are teaching. As time changes people and the way of life change as well. They must be able to keep up with the times to educate the best way possible for the betterment of each child. This will effect us as educators for the fact that we are not the main source. We will have to do the best we possibly can starting now to be the educators of tomorrow.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Post #4

Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog
Kid's Podcasting

I read and listened to the Eagle Nest Radio and Class blog. This blog was done by third grade students. I really enjoyed listening to the fun ways they went over cool facts and information. They really made learning fun for me. I thought it was really cool how they set up their radio talk show interviewing other students in such a creative way. They covered so much information on their podcasts. The ones they posted varied from Greeks and their history to cool facts about sharks. I love the idea of podcast, they are so neat and allows for so much creativity.

Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom, By: Joe Dale

Also, I looked at Joe Dale's Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom. This page was super beneficial. Mr. Dale states that podcasting allows differentiation in the classroom. He talks about why podcasting can be so useful while teaching a class. He goes over goes over several reasons why it is beneficial to use podcast. Some of the reasons he states are: it is a good way for students to learn outside the classroom, it enables so much creativity for the students, and it comes in handy when students are out of school sick. Podcasting seems really neat, and I think that it was a really cool idea. I never knew, until now, exactly what podcasting was. I am a fan! This gave me a better outlook and understanding, so I can develop my podcast better.

Podcast Collection, By: Judy Scharf

The third site I looked over was Podcast Collection. Scharf explains what goes into preparing your students in creating their own podcast. She starts by talking about what a podcast is and the different types you can make. She tells us that a podcast is a mix between broadcast and an iPod. I thought this was really cool to know because I never knew what a podcast was. She also gave her readers some handy types on how to succeed with teaching your students how to podcast. She lists some neat and fun examples on how to create podcasts. I really liked how she added researching certain topics. I thought that part was beneficial to our own podcast projects. She gives some awesome ideas and explanations on how to teach and do a podcast.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project # 5


At the Teachers Desk
teachers desk

By W.M. Chamberline
Mr.C teaches elementary students and Noel Elementary. He uses the saying on his home blog "Modeling the use of technology to teachers and students". I thought that this saying alone summed up what he is doing and trying to do. The first comment I left for Mr. C was on his post called A Better way to learn and Teach Vocabulary. Which explained exactly what was in his post. Mr.C shared his theory for a way he teaches his students new vocabulary words. Each time he gives his students new words to learn he starts by letting them illustrate that word. Then, he gets them to put in their own words what they think the words mean. He says that it is proven that his students learn better this way and make better grades on vocabulary tests. I commented on Mr. C's post by telling him that I thought this was a neat approach to learning new words. I also told him that I would love to use this idea when I become a teacher one day.

The next post I commented on was his most recent post called Why I Require My Students to Blog. In this post he talks about the many beneficial reasons his students blog. He says that it helps his students in writing to a bigger audience and not just limited to himself. Also, he says that it creates intellectual conversations among people from all around. I commented on his post telling him about my edm310 class, and how his post gave me a better outlook on blogging in general. I even made the point to tell him that this was my first blog, and that it was crazy to think his elementary students are doing the same thing.

Blog Post #3

"It's Not About the Technology"
By Kelly Hines
Ms. Hines states in her post on a subject matter she seems very familiar about, technology in the 21st century. She explains the importance of having strong teachers that are eager to never stop learning over the years. What good is technology with teachers who cannot even familiarize themselves with it to teach their students? Schools can spend thousands of dollars on buying new technology, but it will do no good if the teachers do not incorporate it in teaching their classes.
I think that Ms. Hines in totally dead on correct. We, as upcoming educators, must never get too comfortable teaching through the years. We must always be open and willing to learn and try new things. After all, teaching is a highly important occupation, it will be our job to educate generations to come. Teachers must never stop learning.

Is It okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
teacher helping students

By Karl Fisch
This blog post was awarded most influential blog in 2007. Mr. Fisch says that if you are a teacher you must be technologically literate. He states the importance of knowing how to teach your students the fundamentals of technology. How will teachers teach if they do not know for themselves? He states the standards one must be at to be an educator.
Mr. Fisch does have some really strong points, and I would have to agree with him to an extent. I think that teaching technology is important, but teaching our students in general is also important. Times are changing newer and better resources are coming out I think teachers should take full advantage of it. As an educator you must always be prepared to learn more and be literate in all aspects of technology.

Social Media Count
Gary Hayes
This is crazy. I knew that these sites were popular, but I never knew the extent until now. The media count really puts things in prospective for me. How fast things can happen. The rate is crazy to me. It just goes to show that if things are like this now, we know that it will only grow more. Which means that if these sites have this much effect on the population, we can use these sites as tools for the good. As upcoming teachers it will be beneficial to learn and know about these tools and resources for the better of your classroom.

A Vision of Students Today
By Michael Wesch
This video is an eye opener. The statistics really hit home for me. The harsh statistics are the brutal truth. As a student, I can relate to so many of these facts written by other students. We are all going through the same/similar things. So, if all these facts are out in the open what will be done about them? Wesch Suggest that technology could be our solution.
I would guess that this all would fit under the category in being a technologically literate teacher. This should be a wake up call to educators to try and make things better for the students. These poor statics should catch some attention.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog Post #2

Did You Know? 3.0
By:Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod

Wow! I really had no idea of these impressive facts. I am so surprised that in the course of getting a four year technical degree half of the information learned will be out dated. What? That really blows my mind.

This video shows how fast technology is growing, but is this really a good thing? I have mixed feelings about the progression. Yes, it is awesome how information can transfer so quickly. However, what does this mean for jobs that will be replaced due to all the highly advanced technology? The video was very informative though!

Mr. Winkle Wakes
By: Matthew Needleman

Poor Mr. Winkle after being asleep for 100 years felt left behind. He had nothing that was familiar to him. He went out to see strange computers and technology. He went to hospitals to see x-rays and life support machines. Then, he went to school and everything was the same. I am sure Mr. Winkle was relieved.

This makes me think though. The children in this video were portrayed as being bored. If we have all this technology, then why can't we use it in our schools? School is not meant to be boring. If we don't use it we will continue to be left behind. Technology can be used to grab the students attention and make school enjoyable. It would make students want to learn! I mean come on, they are our future!

The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson

Woo Hoo! This was a remarkable video! We see the questions about Math, Writing, and English very often from students. Why do we need to learn this? When will we ever use this? I am not saying do away with this, but I agree about letting students express themselves in other things. Creativity is so important it tells each one of us who we really are. I agree 100% with what Mr. Robinson said we do not learn to be creative we are born to be.

All kids have individuality about themselves. For example, my two year old niece, she always randomly breaks out in a song or a dance. I wonder where she comes up with this stuff, but that is what she likes to do at only two years old. When I think about that being taken away from her it is heart breaking. Of course this may be the case when focusing on other things instead of creativity. So, I am all about some creativity! We should not let the heavy learning process get in the way of children being able to express who they truly are.

Cecelia Gault(young student in Finland)

The interview between Cecelia and Mr. Robinson was quite insightful. She asked him a lot of great questions, and I enjoyed listening to his point of view. I love how he always seems to focus of the creativity of students.

He again did express his beliefs on letting children express themselves. I really do look forward to being in my classroom, and using the strategies he puts out. I want to be apart of being able to help and allow children use their creative minds. I hope others are as enthused as I am!

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Vicki Davis

This video was inspiring. I think that what Ms. Davis is doing is awesome. She is teaching them in a hands on and interacting way. Which is seeming to be going quite well for her and her students. She is teaching her students that learning new software can be fun. I think that we all should be taking notes!

Also, I thought it was super cool how she actually engages her students with people from all across the world. She even goes to the extent of taking her class across the world to visit and let them interact with students learning the same things. She really demonstrates educating her students in a fun way for them to lean better.